Browse School

Name Sort by name Code Sort by code Type Sort by type
Academic Listening EAL4640 Module
Academic Study Skills IFP3912 Module
Accounting for Business Decisions IFJ3017 Module
Accounting for Business Decisions IFP3017 Module
Active Learning with Digital Tools EAL4204 Module
Active Learning with New and Emergent Technologies EAL4203 Module
Activist Film FLM7204 Module
Adaptation in Theory and Practice COM7212 Module
Advanced Oral Competence in Modern Languages (One Language) SML6202 Module
Advanced Oral Competence in Modern Languages (Two Languages) SML6203 Module
Advanced Semantics: Puzzles in Meaning LIN6049P Module
Advanced Semantics: Puzzles in Meaning LIN6049 Module
Advanced Translation (French into English and English into French) for Francophone Exchange Students FRE6204 Module
Adventures in World Literature COM5217 Module
Afropean Identities COM6052 Module
Afropean Identities SML6052 Module
An Introduction to English and American Literature IFP3813 Module
Applied Linguistics: Critical Reflection EAL7842 Module
Applied Linguistics: Dissertation Writing EAL7832 Module
Applied Mathematics for Business IFP3016 Module
Applied Mathematics for Business IFJ3016 Module
Applying Linguistics in the Real World LIN7053 Module
Applying Linguistics in the Real World LIN5206 Module
Approaches and Methods in English Language Teaching EAL7200 Module
Arabic Language and Culture I (a) IFP4051 Module
Assessment in English Language Teaching EAL7214 Module
Assessment in Language Teaching EAL7314 Module
Austria Today GER5061 Module
Austria Today GER4061 Module
Avant-Garde Theatre in Europe COM6007 Module
Avant-Garde Theatre in Europe HSP6007 Module
Bengali Language and Culture I (a) LAN4136 Module
Bengali Language and Culture I (a) LAN4131 Module
Bengali Language and Culture I (b) LAN4132 Module
Bengali Language and Culture I (b) LAN4137 Module
Beyond Crisis and Catastrophe: Environmental Humanities Across Texts and Cultures COM5062 Module
Beyond Crisis and Catastrophe: Environmental Humanities Across Texts and Cultures COM6062 Module
Beyond Language: Multimodality in Theory and Practice LIN6202P Module
Beyond Language: Multimodality in Theory and Practice LIN6202 Module
Beyond Language: Multimodality in Theory and Practice LIN7059 Module
Brazilian Cinema: The Social Tradition FLM5034 Module
Brazilian Cinema: The Social Tradition POR5034 Module
Brief Encounters: Around The World In Short Stories COM4208 Module
Business Studies IFP3908 Module
Catalan Culture: Art, Literature and Football HSP4011 Module
Catalan Culture: Art, Literature and Football COM5011 Module
Catalan II Intensive CAT5200 Module
Catalan III CAT6200 Module
Catalan Language and Culture I LAN4095 Module
Catalan Language and Culture I (a) LAN4096 Module
Catalan Language and Culture I (b) LAN4097 Module
Catalan Language and Culture II LAN5095 Module
Catalan Language and Culture II (a) LAN5096 Module
Catalan Language and Culture II (b) LAN5097 Module
Catalan Literature: An Introduction COM5055 Module
Catalan Literature: An Introduction HSP5055 Module
Chinese II Intensive CHI5200 Module
Chinese III CHI6200 Module
Cinema and Disability GMH6064 Module
Cinema and Disability FLM5064 Module
Cinema and Eastern Philosophies FLM6037 Module
Cinema and Eastern Philosophies FLM7037 Module
Cinemas in Contemporary China FLM6210 Module
Coding for Linguists LIN6209P Module
Coding for Linguists LIN6209 Module
Cognitive Film Theory FLM7058 Module
Cognitive Film Theory FLM6058 Module
Colonial Literatures, Post Colonial Perspectives COM5200 Module
Colonial Power and Desire: Narratives of Dissent in Portugal and Brazil POR4036 Module
Colonial Power and Desire: Narratives of Dissent in Portugal and Brazil COM5036 Module
Comparative Modernisms COM6217 Module
Computers and Language SML5202 Module
Constructing a Language LIN6203 Module
Constructing a Language LIN6203P Module
Contemporary British Cinema: From the 1960s to the Present Day FLM6215 Module
Contemporary French Cinema FLM6205 Module
Contemporary German Studies I GER5204 Module
Contemporary German Studies II GER505 Module
Contemporary Issues in Business and Management IFJ6010 Module
Contemporary Issues in Business and Management IFP6010 Module
Contemporary Post- Soviet Documentary FLM6071 Module
Contemporary Post- Soviet Documentary RUS6071 Module
Contemporary Russian Film RUS6017 Module
Contemporary Russian Short Stories COM5016 Module
Contemporary Russian Short Stories RUS4016 Module
Contemporary Russian Short Stories RUS5016 Module
Contemporary World Cinemas FLM5202 Module
Creative Documentary FLM7216 Module
Creative Futures: Preparing for a Career in the Creative Industries SUM504E Module
Creative Producing FLM6010 Module
Creative Production FLM6201 Module
Critical Thinking & Writing for Applied Linguistics EAL7831 Module
Critical Thinking & Writing for Politics and International Relations EAL7821 Module
Critical Thinking and Writing in Law - Literacy Development (Distance Learning) EAL4691 Module
Critical Thinking and Writing in Law - LLM Dissertation Writing (Distance Learning) EAL4692 Module
Critical Thinking and Writing in Law: Literacy Development EAL4791 Module
Critical Thinking and Writing in Law: LLM Dissertation Writing EAL4792 Module
Critical Thinking Writing for Dental Sciences EAL7881 Module
Critical Thinking Writing for Global Health EAL7801 Module
Cultural Encounters in Theory and Practice LIB5054 Module
Culture and Language SML4006 Module
Culture and Language COM4006 Module
Culture and Language (a) SML4006A Module
Culture and Language (a) COM4006A Module
Culture and Language (b) SML4006B Module
Culture and Language (b) COM4006B Module
Culture and Revolution: Russia and China SML5067 Module
Culture and Revolution: Russia and China RUS6067 Module
Culture and Revolution: Russia and China RUS5067 Module
Culture and Society in Medieval Spain: Christians, Jews and Muslims HSP5204 Module
Cultures of Migration and Diaspora SML5208 Module
Curriculum Design and Materials Evaluation for English Language Teaching EAL7211 Module
Curriculum Design and Materials Evaluation for Language Teaching EAL7311 Module
Data Driven Vocabulary Building EAL5200 Module
Decolonising Approaches to Film Analysis FLM4205 Module
Deconstructing 'China' in the Western Imagination CHI4201 Module
Description of Language EAL7207 Module
Description of Language EAL6207 Module
Developmental Disorders of Language and Cognition LIN6205 Module
Developmental Disorders of Language and Cognition LIN6205P Module
Die Kultur der deutschsprachigen Schweiz GER6204 Module
Digital Culture and Society LIB5203 Module
Digital Film Making FLM5206 Module
Directed Study in Linguistics LIN7211 Module
Directed Study in Linguistics LIN7212 Module
Directing Fiction FLM7212 Module
Directing Fiction FLM5204 Module
Dissertation in English Language Teaching (Professional Qualification Pathway) EAL7204 Module
Dissertation in English Language Teaching / Standard (Research) Pathway EAL7203 Module
Dissertation Proseminar LIN7005 Module
Dissertation Writing for Dental Sciences in Clinical Practice EAL7882 Module
Dissertation Writing in Global Health EAL7802 Module
Documentary - Theory and Practice FLM501 Module
Documentary Film - Theory and Practice FLM7201 Module
Documentary Production Project FLM7202 Module
Ecocinemas: Nature, Animals, and the Moving Image FLM609P Module
Ecocinemas: Nature, Animals, and the Moving Image FLM609 Module
Economics IFP3905 Module
Economics IFJ6007 Module
Economics IFP6007 Module
Effective Participation in Seminars EAL4660 Module
Effective Presentation Skills EAL4650 Module
Engaging Critically with Writing 1 EAL4750 Module
English Dialect Syntax LIN6208 Module
English Dialect Syntax LIN6208P Module
English in Social Settings 1 EAL3671 Module
English in Social Settings 2 EAL3672 Module
English Language and Study Skills IFJ3000 Module
English Language and Study Skills IFP3000 Module
English Language and Study Skills IFP6000 Module
English Language and Study Skills IFJ6000 Module
English Language and Study Skills (Foundation Certificate) IFP3901 Module
English Pronunciation Skills EAL4680 Module
English Through Literature EAL4700 Module
Epic Remakes: Ancient Hero(in)es and Modern Society COM6212 Module
Ethnography of Communication - Foundations and Fieldwork LIN6020P Module
Ethnography of Communication - Foundations and Fieldwork LIN7020 Module
Ethnography of Communication - Foundations and Fieldwork LIN6020 Module
European and American Art Cinema IFP3010 Module
European Tragedy COM507 Module
Expand Your Vocabulary in English EAL4720 Module
Experimental Linguistics LIN5039 Module
Exploring Spoken English EAL4760 Module
Features of English: Linguistics for English Language Teaching SML5205 Module
Feminist Film Philosophy FLM7209 Module
Film and Ethics FLM6207P Module
Film and Ethics FLM6207 Module
Film Archaeology FLM604 Module
Film Curation FLM5205 Module
Film Curatorship: From Preservation to Exhibition FLM5220 Module
Film Futures: Professional Development FLM5212 Module
Film Philosophy FLM6020 Module
Film Philosophy FLM7020 Module
Film Studies (Foundation Certificate) IFP3909 Module
Film Studies 1 FLM7210 Module
Film Studies 2 FLM7211 Module
Film Studies Alternative IFP6004 Module
Film Studies Hollywood IFP6003 Module
Film Studies Research Project FLM6202 Module
Finance IFP6008 Module
Finance IFJ6008 Module
Finance and Economics Independent Research Project IFJ6014 Module
Finance and Economics Independent Research Project IFP6014 Module
Formal Semantics LIN7210 Module
Forms of Film Practice FLM7038 Module
Forms of Film Practice FLM6038 Module
Foundations of Language LIN4208 Module
French I FRE4200 Module
French I FRE4200A Module
French I Intensive FRE4202A Module
French I Intensive FRE4202 Module
French II FRE5202 Module
French II FRE5202A Module
French II Intensive FRE5206 Module
French III FRE6202A Module
French III FRE6202B Module
French III FRE6202 Module
French Language and Culture I LAN4015 Module
French Language and Culture I LAN4010 Module
French Language and Culture I (a) LAN4016 Module
French Language and Culture I (a) LAN4111 Module
French Language and Culture I (a) LAN4011 Module
French Language and Culture I (a) LAN4013 Module
French Language and Culture I (a) LAN4116 Module
French Language and Culture I (a) LAN4018 Module
French Language and Culture I (a) for IFP IFP4011 Module
French Language and Culture I (b) LAN4017 Module
French Language and Culture I (b) LAN4012 Module
French Language and Culture I (b) LAN4112 Module
French Language and Culture I (b) LAN4117 Module
French Language and Culture II LAN5015 Module
French Language and Culture II LAN5010 Module
French Language and Culture II (a) LAN5111 Module
French Language and Culture II (a) LAN5011 Module
French Language and Culture II (a) LAN5116 Module
French Language and Culture II (a) LAN5016 Module
French Language and Culture II (b) LAN5012 Module
French Language and Culture II (b) LAN5112 Module
French Language and Culture II (b) LAN5017 Module
French Language and Culture II (b) LAN5117 Module
French Language and Culture III LAN6010 Module
French Language and Culture III LAN6015 Module
French Language and Culture III (a) LAN6116 Module
French Language and Culture III (a) LAN6011 Module
French Language and Culture III (a) LAN6016 Module
French Language and Culture III (a) LAN6111 Module
French Language and Culture III (b) LAN6012 Module
French Language and Culture III (b) LAN6017 Module
From Louvre to Louvre: Memory, History and 'Patrimoine' in the French Museum FRE6053 Module
From Morpheme to Meaning LIN7007 Module
Geography IFP3906 Module
German Film 3: Contemporary German Cinema FLM302P Module
German Film 3: Contemporary German Cinema FLM302 Module
German I GER4204 Module
German I Intensive GER4205 Module
German II GER5202 Module
German II Intensive GER5203 Module
German III GER6200 Module
German Language and Culture I LAN4005 Module
German Language and Culture I LAN4000 Module
German Language and Culture I (a) LAN4001 Module
German Language and Culture I (a) LAN4106 Module
German Language and Culture I (a) LAN4006 Module
German Language and Culture I (a) IFP4001 Module
German Language and Culture I (a) LAN4101 Module
German Language and Culture I (b) LAN4007 Module
German Language and Culture I (b) LAN4102 Module
German Language and Culture I (b) LAN4002 Module
German Language and Culture I (b) LAN4107 Module
German Language and Culture II LAN5006 Module
German Language and Culture II LAN5000 Module
German Language and Culture II (a) LAN5101 Module
German Language and Culture II (a) LAN5007 Module
German Language and Culture II (a) LAN5001 Module
German Language and Culture II (a) LAN5107 Module
German Language and Culture II (b) LAN5005 Module
German Language and Culture II (b) LAN5002 Module
German Language and Culture II (b) LAN5102 Module
German Language and Culture II (b) LAN5105 Module
German Narrative Fiction in Text and Film FLM5027 Module
German Narrative Fiction in Text and Film GER6027 Module
German Narrative Fiction in Text and Film GER5027 Module
German Narrative Fiction in Text and Film FLM6027 Module
German Play GER064Y Module
German Play GER064X Module
German Thought I: Marx, Nietzsche, Freud GER5008 Module
German Thought I: Marx, Nietzsche, Freud COM5008 Module
Germany Today GER5060 Module
Germany Today GER4060 Module
Global Medical Humanities: the Human in Medicine COM6063 Module
Global Medical Humanities: the Human in Medicine GMH6063 Module
Grammar in Context 1 EAL4731 Module
Grammar in Context 2 EAL4732 Module
Grand Tours: Nineteenth-Century Adventure Stories and Their Twentieth-Century Afterlives COM5010 Module
Haunted: Literatures of Ghosts, Spectres, Apparitions COM5216 Module
History of English LIN212 Module
History of Russian RUS4024 Module
History of Russian RUS5024 Module
Human Geography IFP3815 Module
Human Geography IFP3915 Module
Humanities and Social Sciences Independent Research Project IFJ6012 Module
Humanities and Social Sciences Independent Research Project IFP6012 Module
In a Word LIN5212 Module
Independent Study Project IFP3020 Module
Independent Study Project IFJ3020 Module
Inter-cultural Communication for the Global Workplace EAL6200 Module
Interaction and Discourse LIN5204 Module
International Relations and Politics IFP3907 Module
Intersectional Feminist Writing COM6214 Module
Introduction to American Literature IFP3008 Module
Introduction to American Literature IFJ3008 Module
Introduction to British Cinema: From the Early Days to the 1950s FLM5214 Module
Introduction to Business and Management IFJ6009 Module
Introduction to Business and Management IFJ3015 Module
Introduction to Business and Management IFP6009 Module
Introduction to Business and Management IFP3015 Module
Introduction to Comparison COM4206 Module
Introduction to Econometrics IFP6005 Module
Introduction to Econometrics IFJ6005 Module
Introduction to English Literature IFP3007 Module
Introduction to English Literature IFJ3007 Module
Introduction to Experimental Linguistics LIN7039 Module
Introduction to Film Studies IFP3009 Module
Introduction to Human Geography IFP3005 Module
Introduction to Human Geography IFJ3005 Module
Introduction to International Relations IFJ3004 Module
Introduction to International Relations IFP3004 Module
Introduction to Literature, Art and Film IFP3903 Module
Introduction to Phonetics LIN7205 Module
Introduction to Phonology LIN7204 Module
Introduction to Politics IFJ3003 Module
Introduction to Politics IFP3003 Module
Introduction to Politics and International Relations 1: Ideas and Concepts IFJ6017 Module
Introduction to Politics and International Relations 1: Ideas and Concepts IFP6017 Module
Introduction to Politics and International Relations 2: Application and Analysis IFP6018 Module
Introduction to Politics and International Relations 2: Application and Analysis IFJ6018 Module
Introduction to Semantics LIN5217 Module
Introduction to Sociolinguistics LIN7213 Module
Introduction to Syntax LIN7207 Module
Introductory Catalan CAT4200 Module
Introductory Chinese CHI4200 Module
Introductory Chinese CHI4200A Module
Introductory French FRE4204 Module
Introductory French Part I FRE4205 Module
Introductory French Part II FRE4206 Module
Introductory German GER4201 Module
Introductory German (Part I) GER4202 Module
Introductory German (Part II) GER4203 Module
Introductory Portuguese POR4200 Module
Introductory Russian RUS4203 Module
Introductory Russian RUS4203B Module
Introductory Russian RUS4203A Module
Introductory Spanish HSP4200 Module
Introductory Spanish HSP4200A Module
Italian Language and Culture I LAN4070 Module
Italian Language and Culture I LAN4075 Module
Italian Language and Culture I (a) LAN4171 Module
Italian Language and Culture I (a) LAN4176 Module
Italian Language and Culture I (a) IFP4071 Module
Italian Language and Culture I (b) LAN4172 Module
Italian Language and Culture I (b) LAN4077 Module
Italian Language and Culture I (b) LAN4072 Module
Japanese Language and Culture I LAN4045 Module
Japanese Language and Culture I LAN4040 Module
Japanese Language and Culture I (a) LAN4046 Module
Japanese Language and Culture I (a) LAN4041 Module
Japanese Language and Culture I (a) IFP4041 Module
Japanese Language and Culture I (a) LAN4043 Module
Japanese Language and Culture I (a) LAN4048 Module
Japanese Language and Culture I (b) LAN4047 Module
Japanese Language and Culture I (b) LAN4142 Module
Japanese Language and Culture I (b) LAN4147 Module
Japanese Language and Culture I (b) LAN4042 Module
Japanese Language and Culture I(a) LAN4141 Module
Japanese Language and Culture I(a) LAN4146 Module
Japanese Language and Culture II LAN5045 Module
Japanese Language and Culture II LAN5040 Module
Japanese Language and Culture II (a) LAN5146 Module
Japanese Language and Culture II (a) LAN5141 Module
Japanese Language and Culture II (a) LAN5046 Module
Japanese Language and Culture II (a) LAN5041 Module
Japanese Language and Culture II (b) LAN5142 Module
Japanese Language and Culture II (b) LAN5147 Module
Japanese Language and Culture II (b) LAN5042 Module
Japanese Language and Culture II (b) LAN5047 Module
Labour in Latin American Culture SML6207 Module
Language Acquisition LIN101 Module
Language and Ethnicity LIN504 Module
Language and Health Communication LIN6060 Module
Language and Health Communication GMH6060 Module
Language and Health Communication LIN7060 Module
Language and Mind LIN213 Module
Language and Society in the French-Speaking World FRE6200 Module
Language and the Media LIN5210 Module
Language in the UK LIN4205 Module
Language Myths SML5201 Module
Languages in the Classroom 1: Practical and Theoretical Approaches to Teaching SML6211 Module
Languages in the Classroom 2: Teaching and Reflective Practice SML6212 Module
Latin America: Key Concepts HSP5012 Module
Latin American Cinema from the 1960s to the Present FLM6055 Module
Latin American Cinema from the 1960s to the Present HSP6055 Module
Learning Languages: Second Language Acquisition EAL7302 Module
Liberal Arts Research project LIB6200 Module
Liberal Arts Year in Industry LIB5204 Module
Life Under Construction: Artistic Responses to War and Revolution SML5209 Module
Life Under Construction: Artistic Responses to War and Revolution SML4209 Module
Literature and Philosophy COM501 Module
Literature, Dictatorship and Cultural Memory in the Hispanic World COM5043 Module
Literature, Dictatorship and Cultural Memory in the Hispanic World HSP5043 Module
London History and Culture in Image and Film SUM505E Module
Lovers and Libertines: Eighteenth Century French Fiction FRE304 Module
Macroeconomics IFJ3014 Module
Macroeconomics IFP3014 Module
Madness, Past and Present COM5065 Module
Madness, Past and Present GMH6065 Module
Making Fiction Film FLM7214 Module
Management IFJ3018 Module
Management IFP3018 Module
Mandarin Chinese Language and Culture I LAN4085 Module
Mandarin Chinese Language and Culture I LAN4080 Module
Mandarin Chinese Language and Culture I (a) LAN4088 Module
Mandarin Chinese Language and Culture I (a) LAN4083 Module
Mandarin Chinese Language and Culture I (a) LAN4186 Module
Mandarin Chinese Language and Culture I (a) LAN4081 Module
Mandarin Chinese Language and Culture I (a) LAN4181 Module
Mandarin Chinese Language and Culture I (a) LAN4086 Module
Mandarin Chinese Language and Culture I (b) LAN4087 Module
Mandarin Chinese Language and Culture I (b) LAN4182 Module
Mandarin Chinese Language and Culture I (b) LAN4082 Module
Mandarin Chinese Language and Culture I (b) LAN4187 Module
Mandarin Chinese Language and Culture II LAN5080 Module
Mandarin Chinese Language and Culture II (a) LAN5181 Module
Mandarin Chinese Language and Culture II (a) LAN5086 Module
Mandarin Chinese Language and Culture II (a) LAN5081 Module
Mandarin Chinese Language and Culture II (a) LAN5186 Module
Mandarin Chinese Language and Culture II (b) LAN5082 Module
Mandarin Chinese Language and Culture II (b) LAN5187 Module
Mandarin Chinese Language and Culture II (b) LAN5087 Module
Mandarin Chinese Language and Culture II (b) LAN5182 Module
Mandarin Chinese Language and Culture III LAN6085 Module
Mandarin Chinese Language and Culture III LAN6080 Module
Mandarin Chinese Language and Culture III (a) LAN6186 Module
Mandarin Chinese Language and Culture III (a) LAN6181 Module
Mandarin Chinese Language and Culture III (a) LAN6081 Module
Mandarin Chinese Language and Culture III (a) LAN6086 Module
Mandarin Chinese Language and Culture III (b) LAN6087 Module
Mandarin Chinese Language and Culture III (b) LAN6082 Module
Mandarin Chinese Language and Culture IV (a) LAN6096 Module
Mandarin Chinese Language and Culture IV (a) LAN6191 Module
Mandarin Chinese Language and Culture IV (a) LAN6091 Module
Mandarin Chinese Language and Culture IV (a) LAN6196 Module
Marketing IFP3019 Module
Marketing IFJ3019 Module
Maternal Bodies: Metaphor and Materiality COM6068 Module
Maternal Bodies: Metaphor and Materiality GMH6068 Module
Mathematics for Economics IFP3904 Module
Meaning in the Real World LIN6046 Module
Meaning in the Real World LIN7046 Module
Meaning in the Real World LIN6046P Module
Medicine and Ethics in Contemporary Global Literature COM6066 Module
Medicine and Ethics in Contemporary Global Literature GMH6066 Module
Memories of the Holocaust and Colonialism in French Cinema FLM508 Module
Memories of WWII In French Literature, Film and Art FRE5001 Module
Memories of WWII in Literature, Film and Art FRE6050 Module
Men, Women, and Song: Love Poetry in the Middle Ages SML4200 Module
Methods of Text and Corpus Analysis EAL7210 Module
Microeconomics IFP3013 Module
Microeconomics IFJ3013 Module
Modern Arabic Language and Culture I LAN4050 Module
Modern Arabic Language and Culture I LAN4055 Module
Modern Arabic Language and Culture I (a) LAN4051 Module
Modern Arabic Language and Culture I (a) LAN4053 Module
Modern Arabic Language and Culture I (a) LAN4151 Module
Modern Arabic Language and Culture I (a) LAN4056 Module
Modern Arabic Language and Culture I (a) LAN4156 Module
Modern Arabic Language and Culture I (b) LAN4057 Module
Modern Arabic Language and Culture I (b) LAN4152 Module
Modern Arabic Language and Culture I (b) LAN4157 Module
Modern Arabic Language and Culture I (b) LAN4052 Module
Modern Arabic Language and Culture II LAN5050 Module
Modern Arabic Language and Culture II LAN5055 Module
Modern Arabic Language and Culture II (a) LAN5156 Module
Modern Arabic Language and Culture II (a) LAN5056 Module
Modern Arabic Language and Culture II (a) LAN5151 Module
Modern Arabic Language and Culture II (a) LAN5051 Module
Modern Arabic Language and Culture II (b) LAN5052 Module
Modern Arabic Language and Culture II (b) LAN5057 Module
Modern Arabic Language and Culture III LAN6055 Module
Modern Arabic Language and Culture III LAN6050 Module
Modern Arabic Language and Culture III (a) LAN6056 Module
Modern Arabic Language and Culture III (a) LAN6051 Module
Modern Arabic Language and Culture III (b) LAN6057 Module
Modern Arabic Language and Culture III (b) LAN6052 Module
Modern Arabic Literature in the World: Colonial Encounter to Climate Crisis COM5215 Module
Modern/Postmodern Cinema FLM506 Module
Montage Across the Arts: Aesthetics, Modernity, Politics FLM7042 Module
Montage Across the Arts: Aesthetics, Modernity, Politics FLM6042 Module
Morphology of British Culture EAL5600 Module
Multilingualism and Bilingualism LIN7034 Module
Multilingualism and Bilingualism LIN6034 Module
Multimedia Materials Development for English Language Teaching EAL7212 Module
Multimedia Materials Development for Language Teaching EAL7312 Module
Myth, Modernity, and Metamorphoses COM4209 Module
New Independent Indian Cinema FLM5210 Module
Phonetics I: The Sounds of English LIN4212 Module
Phonetics II: Acoustic Analysis of Speech LIN5215 Module
Phonology I: Introduction to Sound Systems LIN4210 Module
Phonology II: Explaining Phonological Structures LIN5214 Module
Photography the Self and its Image FRE6001 Module
Photography, Activism and Environmental Justice SML6206 Module
Photography: the Self and its Image FRE6013 Module
Picturing a Nation: France and its Image from Marianne to #JesuisCharlie FRE4042 Module
Picturing a Nation: France and its Image from Marianne to #JesuisCharlie COM5042 Module
Politics & International Relations: Dissertation Writing EAL7822 Module
Portuguese I POR4201 Module
Portuguese II POR5201 Module
Portuguese II Intensive POR5200 Module
Portuguese III POR6200 Module
Postcolonial Francospheres: Memories of Colonialism in the French-Speaking World FRE4041 Module
Postcolonial Francospheres: Memories of Colonialism in the French-Speaking World FRE5041 Module
Postcolonial Perspectives on the Russian Novel RUS6069 Module
Postcolonial Perspectives on the Russian Novel COM6069 Module
Postmigrant Literature and Film after German Unification GER6054 Module
Postmigrant Literature and Film after German Unification COM6054 Module
Postsocialist intimacies: Gender and sexual politics in contemporary China SML6213 Module
Postsocialist intimacies: Gender and sexual politics in contemporary China SML5213 Module
Practical Translation Skills COM7213 Module
Preparing for Your First Assignment EAL4800 Module
Principles of Academic Writing 1 EAL4621 Module
Principles of Academic Writing 2 EAL4622 Module
Production Design: History, Theory, Craft FLM7207 Module
Production Skills FLM403 Module
Professional Writing for the Global Workplace EAL6201 Module
Proofreading and Editing Skills EAL4740 Module
Pure Mathematics for Economics IFP3011 Module
Pure Mathematics for Economics IFJ3011 Module
Puzzles in Semantics LIN7049 Module
Race and Racism in European Culture SML5045 Module
Race and Racism in European Culture COM5045 Module
Reading and Writing Critically EAL4710 Module
Reading Contemporary Russia RUS4205 Module
Reading for Health: Cervantes and the Storytelling Traditions GMH6061 Module
Reading for Health: Cervantes and the Storytelling Traditions HSP6061 Module
Reading for Health: Cervantes and the Storytelling Traditions COM6061 Module
Reading German Film 2 FLM5025 Module
Reading German Film 2: The Divided Screen GER5025 Module
Research Methods in Finance and Economics IFP6013 Module
Research Methods in Finance and Economics IFJ6013 Module
Research Methods in HSS IFJ6011 Module
Research Methods in HSS IFP6011 Module
Research Methods in Language Teaching EAL7213 Module
Research Methods in Linguistics LIN5202 Module
Research Methods in Sociolinguistics LIN7023 Module
Research Practicum LIN7014 Module
Research Project by Film Practice FLM6211 Module
Research Project in Translation SML6204 Module
Research Writing Workshop EAL7620 Module
Rio de Janeiro on the Global Stage and Imaginary POR4033 Module
Russian Documentary Film RUS5030 Module
Russian Documentary Film FLM5030 Module
Russian Documentary Film RUS6030 Module
Russian Documentary Film FLM6030 Module
Russian Film: Memory and History RUS6028 Module
Russian Film: Memory and History FLM5028 Module
Russian Film: Memory and History FLM6028 Module
Russian Film: Memory and History RUS5028 Module
Russian I RUS4201A Module
Russian I RUS4201 Module
Russian I RUS4201B Module
Russian I Intensive RUS4204A Module
Russian I Intensive RUS4204B Module
Russian I Intensive RUS4204 Module
Russian I N RUS4202A Module
Russian I N RUS4202B Module
Russian I N RUS4202 Module
Russian II RUS5200B Module
Russian II RUS5200 Module
Russian II RUS5200A Module
Russian II Intensive RUS5202A Module
Russian II Intensive RUS5202 Module
Russian II Intensive RUS5202B Module
Russian II N RUS5201B Module
Russian II N RUS5201A Module
Russian II N RUS5201 Module
Russian III RUS6200B Module
Russian III RUS6200 Module
Russian III RUS6200A Module
Russian III N RUS6201B Module
Russian III N RUS6201A Module
Russian III N RUS6201 Module
Russian Language Play RUS4046 Module
Russian Language Play RUS5046 Module
Russian Novel: Self and Society RUS5023 Module
Russian Novel: Self and Society COM6023 Module
Russian Novel: Self and Society COM5023 Module
Russian Novel: Self and Society RUS6023 Module
Schools for Scandal: Sexual Fictions from Venus in the Cloister to Venus in Furs COM606 Module
Screening Memory: Cinematic Witnessing, Trauma and Traces of Violence. FLM5221 Module
Screenwriting: Prose to Film COM7214 Module
Scriptwriting: Adaption and Original Script FLM205 Module
Scriptwriting: Creativity and Technique FLM4201 Module
Scriptwriting: Social Justice and Crime FLM6213 Module
Second Language Acquisition EAL7202 Module
Semantics of African American English LIN5203 Module
Semester Abroad - Liberal Arts Study Placement (Semester A) LIB292A Module
Semester Abroad - Liberal Arts Study Placement (Semester B) LIB292B Module
Semester Abroad - Liberal Arts Work Placement (Semester A) LIB295A Module
Semester Abroad - Liberal Arts Work Placement (Semester B) LIB295B Module
Serious Play: European Literary Games from the Past to the Present COM5049 Module
Serious Play: European Literary Games from the Past to the Present FRE5049 Module
Sex, Gender and Language LIN6019P Module
Sex, Gender and Language LIN6019 Module
Sex, Gender and Language LIN7019 Module
Short Film Production FLM7217 Module
Short Stories and Important People: The Nineteenth Century COM5029 Module
Short Stories and Important People: The Nineteenth Century RUS4029 Module
Short Stories and Important People: The Nineteenth Century RUS5029 Module
Slavery, Colonialism and Postcolonialism in African Cinema FLM6036 Module
Slavery, Colonialism and Postcolonialism in African Cinema POR6036 Module
Sociolinguistic Theory LIN7002 Module
Sociolinguistic Variation and Change LIN5211 Module
Sociolinguistics: English in Use LIN4211 Module
Sociophonetics LIN7010 Module
Spanish and Catalan Humour: 1490 to the present day HSP6025 Module
Spanish Graphic Novels in the 21st Century HSP6056 Module
Spanish Graphic Novels in the 21st Century COM6056 Module
Spanish I HSP4201A Module
Spanish I HSP4201 Module
Spanish I N HSP4202 Module
Spanish II HSP5201 Module
Spanish II Intensive HSP5202 Module
Spanish II N HSP5207 Module
Spanish III HSP6201 Module
Spanish Language and Culture I LAN4020 Module
Spanish Language and Culture I LAN4025 Module
Spanish Language and Culture I (a) LAN4026 Module
Spanish Language and Culture I (a) LAN4023 Module
Spanish Language and Culture I (a) IFP4021 Module
Spanish Language and Culture I (a) LAN4021 Module
Spanish Language and Culture I (b) LAN4127 Module
Spanish Language and Culture I (b) LAN4022 Module
Spanish Language and Culture I (b) LAN4027 Module
Spanish Language and Culture I (b) LAN4122 Module
Spanish Language and Culture I(a) LAN4126 Module
Spanish Language and Culture I(a) LAN4121 Module
Spanish Language and Culture II LAN5020 Module
Spanish Language and Culture II LAN5025 Module
Spanish Language and Culture II (a) LAN5021 Module
Spanish Language and Culture II (a) LAN5126 Module
Spanish Language and Culture II (a) LAN5121 Module
Spanish Language and Culture II (a) LAN5026 Module
Spanish Language and Culture II (b) LAN5122 Module
Spanish Language and Culture II (b) LAN5027 Module
Spanish Language and Culture II (b) LAN5022 Module
Spanish Language and Culture II (b) LAN5127 Module
Spanish Language and Culture III LAN6020 Module
Spanish Language and Culture III LAN6025 Module
Spanish Language and Culture III (a) LAN6026 Module
Spanish Language and Culture III (a) LAN6121 Module
Spanish Language and Culture III (a) LAN6126 Module
Spanish Language and Culture III (a) LAN6021 Module
Spanish Language and Culture III (b) LAN6027 Module
Spanish Language and Culture III (b) LAN6022 Module
Statistics for Economics IFJ3012 Module
Statistics for Economics IFP3012 Module
Stories from the Silk Road: Post-Soviet Women?s Literature and Film from the Caucasus and Central Asia COM6057 Module
Stories from the Silk Road: Post-Soviet Women?s Literature and Film from the Caucasus and Central Asia RUS6057 Module
Stories from the Silk Road: Post-Soviet Women?s Literature and Film from the Caucasus and Central Asia RUS5057 Module
Storytelling for Success in the Modern Workplace EAL6204 Module
Structuring Arguments and Avoiding Plagiarism EAL4630 Module
Syntax LIN7209 Module
Syntax I: The Structure of English LIN4209 Module
Syntax II: Explaining Grammatical Structures LIN5213 Module
Teaching English in Professional and Academic Settings EAL7209 Module
Teaching Languages for Specific Purposes EAL7309 Module
Teaching Languages: Approaches and Methods EAL7300 Module
Technical Writing for the Global Workplace EAL6202 Module
The East in the West COM608 Module
The French New Wave FLM014 Module
The History of the UK from 1900 to 1955 IFJ3023 Module
The History of the UK from 1900 to 1955 IFP3023 Module
The History of the UK from 1956 to 2016 IFP3025 Module
The History of the UK from 1956 to 2016 IFJ3025 Module
The Human Geography of London IFJ3006 Module
The Human Geography of London IFP3006 Module
The Mexican Revolution and its Aftermath HSP6009 Module
The Process of Writing EAL4610 Module
The Scene of Learning COM4207 Module
The Scene of Reading COM200 Module
The Scene of Writing COM300 Module
The Sounds of French FRE5201 Module
The Spanish Inquisition HSP206 Module
The Visual Essay FLM5208 Module
Thinking Linguistics: Approaches to Writing and Analysis LIN4207 Module
Thinking, Writing and Research Across Disciplines LIB5202 Module
To Be Continued: Adaptations of Global Literary Classics COM5206 Module
Topics in Econometrics IFJ6006 Module
Topics in Econometrics IFP6006 Module
Translation into French FRE5200 Module
Translation Studies I: Problems, Theories, Terms COM7210 Module
Translation Studies II: Translation, Empire, and Law COM7211 Module
Trends in Linguistic Research LIN7027 Module
Twentieth Century History: the Making of the Modern World IFP3914 Module
Twentieth Century History: the Making of the Modern World IFP3814 Module
Typology I: Languages of the World LIN4213 Module
Undergraduate Research and Project Writing Workshops EAL6203 Module
Understanding Culture: Exploring the Big Questions COM4210 Module
Understudied Languages and Linguistic Theory LIN7016 Module
Unfamiliar Languages LIN6016P Module
Unfamiliar Languages LIN6016 Module
US Cinema: Key Concepts FLM4204 Module
What Is Cinema? (Critical Approaches) FLM5203A Module
What Is Cinema? (Critical Approaches) FLM5203 Module
What Is Cinema? (Critical Approaches) FLM5203B Module
Why Belgium? Identities, Cultures, Narratives COM5020 Module
Why Belgium? Identities, Cultures, Narratives FRE5020 Module
Why Belgium? Identities, Cultures, Narratives FRE6020 Module
Women's Filmmaking in Latin America FLM5059 Module
Women's Filmmaking in Latin America HSP5059 Module
Writing Systems LIN501 Module
Yakuza: Exploring the Japanese Gangster Film FLM6206 Module
Year Abroad - Liberal Arts Work Placement LIB296 Module

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