Browse Hierarchy EAL7302: Learning Languages: Second Language Acquisition
"Learning Languages: Second Language Acquisition" is the second of two compulsory modules on the MA in Language Teaching. You will undertake a comprehensive overview of theories and current research into second language acquisition. In addition, you will have opportunity to put language learning strategies into practice by studying a language which is not your own. You can choose from: French, Spanish, German, Arabic, Japanese or Mandarin (subject to availability and timetabling). Proficiency in the chosen language is not assessed, but you are required to reflect on the learning strategies that you use while studying the language. The module explores: the history of language learning; goals of language teaching; the L2 user and the native speaker; individual learner differences; motivation and aptitude; learner strategies; multiple intelligences and multi-competences; group dynamics; general models of L2 learning; the interaction approach; socio-cultural SLA theory.
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