Browse School

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1066! The Norman Conquest HST6114 Module
A Century of Extremes: Germany 1890-1990 HST5391 Module
A Half-Century of Extremes: Germany 1890-1945 HST5391A Module
A Half-Century of Extremes: Germany 1945-1990 HST5391B Module
A History in Objects HST6770 Module
A History of the Internet HST5618 Module
America in the Age of Capital: From the Gilded Age to the Great Depression HST5380 Module
American Film History: Hollywood and the Second World War HST6761 Module
American Film History: Hollywood from Vietnam to Reagan HST6774 Module
American Horror Stories: The Fiction and Film Worlds of Stephen King from Carrie to It HST6380 Module
American Populism: From Thomas Paine to Donald Trump HST5377 Module
Anglo-American Relations, 1939-1991 HST5366 Module
Anticolonial Political Thought HST6775 Module
Anxieties of Empire: Rumours, Rebellion and the Imperial Imagination HST6747 Module
Art and Power in Early Modern Europe HST6219 Module
Art and Society in Nineteenth-Century Britain and France HST5370 Module
Art and the City from Michelangelo to Blade Runner HST5413 Module
Britain and Europe, 1945-2016 HST5367 Module
British Horror and Fantasy Cinema from Dracula to Harry Potter SUM501G Module
British Horror: Film, Television and Literature HST5305 Module
Building the American Nation: 1776-1896 HST4332 Module
Capitalism and Political Thought HST7703 Module
Cold War America 1945-1975 HST6301A Module
Cold War America 1945-1975 HST6301 Module
Colonial Fascism: A Global History from Blackshirt Invasion to Black Power Antifascism HST6768 Module
Consumed: American Consumer Culture from the 18th to the 21st Century HST5394 Module
Controversies of Science and Technology in the Making of the Modern World HST4434 Module
Counterrevolutions: Mass Politics and the Birth of the Modern Right, 1790-1870 HST6398 Module
Crime and Punishment in London HST5700 Module
Cultural Treasures of London: A Journey Through Time SUM504G Module
Curating the Past: Museums, Monuments and the Afterlives of Empire HST5701 Module
Decolonisation and History HST6411 Module
Early Modern Theories of State HST7707 Module
Empire and Early Modern Political Thought HST7702 Module
Empire and Political Thought HST6408 Module
Empire, Race and Resistance HST5616 Module
Europe 1000-1500: The Middle Ages and their Legacy HST4130 Module
Europe in a Global Context since 1800 HST4331 Module
Europe in Revolution: 1848 HST6372 Module
France and the French Empire in the Second World War: Collaboration, Resistance, Holocaust HST6765 Module
Freedom and Nation: The State in Post-Colonial Africa, 1956-2006 HST5359 Module
From Muhammad to the Ottomans: A History of Medieval Islamic Societies HST5116 Module
From Pinny to Hot Pants? Women in Britain, 1945-1970 HST6776 Module
Global Encounters: Conquest and Culture in World History HST4431 Module
Global History of Pandemics from Plague to Coronavirus HST6767 Module
Globalisation: Capitalists, Colonisers, and Crises in the Long Twentieth Century HST5705 Module
Gotham: The Making of New York City, 1825-2001 HST6394 Module
History Advanced Research Project HST7902 Module
History and Heritage Internship HST5902 Module
History Essay 1 HST4011 Module
History Essay 1 HST4001 Module
History Essay 2 HST4002 Module
History Essay 2 HST4012 Module
History Essay 3 HST4003 Module
History Essay 4 HST4004 Module
History from the Margins: Minorities in Early Modern Europe HST6759 Module
History in Practice HST4430 Module
History Internship HST7903 Module
History Masterclass: Empire, Race and Violence HST6409 Module
History of Modern Political Thought HST5313A Module
History of Modern Political Thought HST5313 Module
History of Political Thought HST5614B Module
History of Political Thought HST5614 Module
History of Political Thought HST5614A Module
History Research Project HST5901 Module
History: Methods, Approaches, Challenges HST7900 Module
Human Rights in History: Origins, Foundations, Prospects HST5405 Module
Impacts of Empire: Global Connections that have Shaped Modern British History HST6399 Module
Indian Political Thought HST7705 Module
Inner City: Race, Representation and Renewal in Urban Britain, 1968 to the Present HST6395 Module
Inventing Identity: How Medicine, Science, and the State Made Us Who We Are HST5704 Module
Islam and the West in the Middle Ages HST6106 Module
Islam in Africa and the Indian Subcontinent: Conquest, Islamisation and Co-existence HST6116 Module
Japanese Film: History, Culture and Fantasy HST5342 Module
Latin for Historians I HST4626B Module
Latin for Historians I HST4626 Module
Latin for Medievalists I HST5124A Module
Latin for Medievalists I HST5124 Module
Life and Death on the Middle Sea: The Mediterranean, 1453-1900 HST5228 Module
Lives, Letters and Lifestyles: English Political Society during the Wars of the Roses HST6713 Module
London and its Museums HST5606 Module
London on Film: Representing the City in British and American Cinema HST5608 Module
Madness and Medicine in Modern Britain HST5314 Module
Making Thatcher's Britain: The Thatcher Revolution, 1975-1997 HST6738 Module
Marie-Antoinette to Coco Chanel: A Cultural History of France from the Revolution to the Second World War HST5399 Module
Mastering the Field HST7901 Module
Medieval London: Pubs, Plague-pits and Cathedrals HST5120 Module
Method and Practice in the History of Political Thought and Intellectual History HST7799 Module
Moving People: Migration, Borders, and Belonging through Time HST5617 Module
Nationalism, Patriotism and Cosmopolitanism in Political Thought, Nineteenth-Twentieth Centuries HST7708 Module
Nice Girls, Bad Girls and Bitches: British Women and Gender from the Vote to Thatcher HST5390 Module
Our Bodies, Our Selves: Sex, Reproduction and Identity in Modern Britain HST6773 Module
Pakistan and the Politics of the Past HST6764 Module
Parting the Iron Curtain: Everyday Life in Cold War Europe, 1945-1991 HST6772 Module
Piracy and Civilisation: Antiquity to the Golden Age HST5224 Module
Piracy and Empire: Sea Power, Race and Modernity HST6393 Module
Premodern Worlds On Screen HST6118 Module
Race in the United States: Plantation Slavery to #BlackLivesMatter HST5395A Module
Race in the United States: Plantation Slavery to #BlackLivesMatter HST5395 Module
Race, Ethnicity and Immigration: Britain from the 1905 Aliens Act to Brexit HST6757 Module
Reformation to Revolution: Europe and the World 1500-1800 HST4230 Module
Reinventing Ourselves: Psychology, Sex and Chemistry in Modern Britain HST6735 Module
Saving the World? A Global History of Humanitarianism in the Long Twentieth Century HST6396 Module
Screening History: Representing the Past in the Contemporary Historical Film HST4433 Module
Searching For Sisterhood: Feminist Activism in Britain 1968-1988 HST6392 Module
Surviving an Apocalypse: Societal Resilience in the Age of the Black Death HST6771 Module
The 'Heart of Darkness'? Identity, Power and Politics in the Congo c.1870-2010 HST6737 Module
The Algerian War of Independence, 1954?1962 HST5388A Module
The Algerian War of Independence, 1954?1962 HST5388 Module
The American Century: The History of the United States, 1900-1945 HST5350A Module
The American Century: The History of the United States, 1900-2000 HST5350 Module
The American Century: The History of the United States, 1945-2000 HST5350B Module
The Atlantic Slave Trade: Africa, Europe, and the Americas from the Sixteenth to the Nineteenth Centuries HST6339 Module
The Bear Hug: Belarus and Ukraine in the Soviet Empire, 1917-1991 HST6397 Module
The Black Death: A Global History of Catastrophe and Transformation HST5123 Module
The Black Radical Tradition HST7706 Module
The Buildings of London I: From the Ashes of Fire to the Capital of Empire HST5227 Module
The Buildings of London II: From the Coming of the Railways to Gentrification HST5393 Module
The Buildings of London, from the Great Fire to the Present Day SUM502G Module
The Clinton Years HST5307 Module
The Clinton Years HST5307A Module
The Darwinian Revolution: The History of a Dangerous Idea HST6404 Module
The Edwardian Crisis: Britain, 1900-1914 HST5355 Module
The First Age of Globalisation: Money, Race, and Empire 1850-1933 HST6766 Module
The Formation of the Early Islamic World: Muslims, Jews and Christians, 600-945 CE HST6754 Module
The Foundations of Modern Thought: Introduction to Intellectual History HST4432 Module
The Georgians: Society and Culture, Sex and Crime HST5225 Module
The Germans and the Jews since 1871 HST6329 Module
The Global Cold War HST6769 Module
The History of Emotions HST6403 Module
The Holocaust and its Aftermath in Literature and Film HST6749 Module
The Idea of 'the West': A History from the Nineteenth to the Twenty-First Century HST6746 Module
The Kennedy Years HST6730 Module
The Making of Palestine: History of a Holy Land, 300-1800 HST6117 Module
The Making of the Modern Self HST5407 Module
The Modern Caribbean: Migration, Radicalism and Revolt HST6377 Module
The Reform of Islam: the Legacy of Ibn Taymiyya (1263-1328) HST6101 Module
The Russian Revolution HST6777 Module
The Soviet Union: Red Flag Unfurled, 1917-1991 HST5397 Module
The Struggle for Italy: 1915-1996 HST5364 Module
The Supernatural in Modern Britain HST6354 Module
The War on Terror HST6741 Module
Theories of Empire: from Enlightenment to Liberalism HST7710 Module
Totalitarianism: Authoritarian Politics in History and Theory, 1920 to the Present HST5398 Module
Unravelling Britain: British History since 1801 HST4330 Module
Video Games: History, Culture and Representation from Pacman to Pokemon HST6405 Module
Violence and Modernity in Twentieth-Century India HST5360 Module
Violence in Early Modern Europe HST5220 Module
Witches, Demons and Magic in Late Medieval and Early Modern Europe HST6215 Module
Women and Gender in Medieval Islam HST5100 Module
Yankees in London: History of the United States through the Eyes of Americans who Lived, Worked and Partied in London SUM503G Module

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