Browse Hierarchy HST6395: Inner City: Race, Representation and Renewal in Urban Britain, 1968 to the Present
The concept of the `inner city¿ has touched upon a number of dominant anxieties about the state and society in Britain since the 1960s. This module will use the `inner city¿ as a vantage point from which to better understand arguments around decline, race, poverty, moral panics, law and order, and urban renewal. We will examine the ways in which pockets of contemporary inner urban Britain have been represented, particularly in the wake of catastrophic events such as the 1981 `riots¿ and the fire at Grenfell Tower in 2017. Drawing on an array of testimonial sources, we will also explore the experience of living in the `inner city¿ in a period marked by demographic shifts and economic upheavals, as well as emergent forms of cultural expression and social organisation.
Lists linked to Inner City: Race, Representation and Renewal in Urban Britain, 1968 to the Present
Title Sort by title | Year | Last updated Sort by last updated |
HST6395 – Inner City: Race, Representation and Renewal in Urban Britain, 1968 to the Present | 2024-2025 Academic Year | 13/06/2024 12:17:15 |