The Russian Revolution altered the course of history. It led to the formation of the world's first avowedly communist regime, irrecoverably changed life across the Russian empire, and shaped geopolitics for the remainder of the twentieth century. This module will examine the origins, development, and outcomes of this tumultuous turning point. Along the way, we will assess the role of key figures such as Lenin, Trotsky, and Stalin. But we will also look at how revolution was experienced on the ground, among ordinary people, young hopefuls, and the different peoples of the former Russian Empire. A range of primary materials will be utilized to shed light on topics such as the revolutionary influences on the Bolsheviks dating back to the 1860s, the popular experience of revolution in 1917, and the tentative attempts to forge a socialist society in the immediate wake of revolution. Knowledge of Russian is not required. This module MUST be taken in conjunction with HST6700 History Research Dissertation.

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HST6777 - The Russian Revolution 2024-2025 Academic Year 07/02/2025 09:17:43