Browse Institute

Name Sort by name Code Sort by code Type Sort by type
Adrenal Cortex and Medulla WHR7107 Module
Adrenal Cortex and Medulla WHR7006 Module
Adrenal Cortex and Medulla WHR7157 Module
Advanced Clinical Practice WHR7039 Module
Advanced Sports Injury Assessment WHR7040 Module
Anatomy and Neurophysiology of Neuromodulation WHR7751 Module
Application of Genomics in Infectious Disease WHR7211 Module
Application of Genomics in Infectious Disease WHR7311 Module
Applied Exercise Physiology WHR7038 Module
Applied Exercise Physiology WHR6038 Module
Applied Exercise Physiology 2 WHR7082 Module
Applied Perioperative Medicine WHR7796 Module
Applied Sports Injury Management in Dance and Football WHR7054 Module
Bioinformatics, Interpretation, and Data Quality Assurance in Genome Analysis WHR7306 Module
Bioinformatics, Interpretation, and Data Quality Assurance in Genome Analysis WHR7206 Module
Biomechanics WHR7060 Module
Biomechanics and Rehabilitation WHR6021 Module
Calcium and Bone WHR7154 Module
Calcium and Bone WHR7104 Module
Care of the Unconscious Patient WHR7712 Module
Care of the Unconscious Patient WHR7012 Module
Clinical Chemistry, Gut and Metabolism WHR7156 Module
Clinical Chemistry, Gut and Metabolism WHR7106 Module
Clinical Exercise Physiology WHR7083 Module
Clinical Forensic Medicine WHRM924 Module
Clinical Observership WHR7017 Module
Clinical Placement WHR7057 Module
Clinical Portfolio WHR7150 Module
Clinical Study Design WHRM903 Module
Clinical Study Design (DL) WHRM992 Module
Critical Care Medicine in Special Patient Groups WHR7715 Module
Data Management: the Interpretation of Statistics and Pharmacokinetics WHRM906 Module
Data Management: the Interpretation of Statistics and Pharmacokinetics (DL) WHRM995 Module
Decision-making, Communication and Ethics WHR7713 Module
Decision-making, Communication and Ethics WHR7013 Module
Devices and Available Technology WHR7753 Module
Diabetes Mellitus WHR7008 Module
Drug Discovery and Pre-Clinical Research and Development WHRM901 Module
Drug Discovery and Pre-Clinical Research and Development (DL) WHRM990 Module
Economic models and human genomics WHR7209 Module
Economic Models and Human Genomics WHR7309 Module
Endocrine Oncology and Genetics WHR7108 Module
Endocrine Oncology and Genetics WHR7158 Module
Endocrinology: Core Knowledge and Key Skills WHR7151 Module
Endocrinology: Core Knowledge and Key Skills WHR7101 Module
Environment and Health SUM701S Module
Environmental Impacts on Health and Disease SUM702S Module
Ethical, Legal and Social Issues in Genomic Medicine WHR7207 Module
Ethical, Legal and Social Issues in Genomic Medicine WHR7307 Module
Ethics and Regulation in Clinical Research WHRM905 Module
Ethics and Regulation in Clinical Research (DL) WHRM994 Module
Exercise Medicine and Physical Activity Promotion WHR6027 Module
Expanding the Content of the MSc in Genomic Medicine with Workplace-based Modules WHR7310 Module
Expanding the Content of the MSc in Genomic Medicine with Workplace-based Modules WHR7210 Module
Forensic Human Identification WHRM934 Module
Forensic Pathology WHRM925 Module
Forensic Toxicology WHRM932 Module
Generic Skills and Core Knowledge WHR7001 Module
Genetics and Genomics Counselling WHR7308 Module
Genetics and Genomics Counselling WHR7208 Module
Genetics, Oncology and Neuroendocrine Tumours WHR7007 Module
Genomics of Common and Rare Diseases WHR7303 Module
Genomics of Common and Rare Diseases WHR7203 Module
Health and Pharmaco-Economics WHRM909 Module
Health and Pharmaco-Economics (DL) WHRM996 Module
Health and the Human Body WHRM912 Module
Health and the Human Body (DL) WHRM989 Module
Hypothalamus and Pituitary WHR7152 Module
Hypothalamus and Pituitary WHR7102 Module
Hypothalamus and Pituitary WHR7002 Module
Inflammation: Cellular and Vascular Aspects WHRM922 Module
Injuries and Medical Problems in Sport WHR6020 Module
Intrathecal Therapy for Cancer and Non-cancer Pain WHR7754 Module
Introduction to Human Genomics WHR7201 Module
Introduction to Human Genomics WHR7301 Module
Legal and Ethical Issues Relevant to Forensic Medicine and Science WHRM930 Module
Literature Review WHR7058 Module
Medical Problems in Sport WHR7024 Module
Medicine for Perioperative Practice WHR7794 Module
Medicine for Perioperative Practice WHR7094 Module
Metabolism, Energy Balance and Lipids WHR7005 Module
Molecular Pathology of Cancer and Application in Cancer Diagnosis WHR7204 Module
Molecular Pathology of Cancer and Application in Cancer Diagnosis WHR7304 Module
Neurocritical Care and Trauma Management WHR7016 Module
Neurocritical Care and Trauma Management WHR7716 Module
Nutrition for Exercise and Health WHR7081 Module
Omics Techniques and their Application to Genomic Medicine WHR7202 Module
Omics Techniques and their Application to Genomic Medicine WHR7302 Module
Pathophysiological Basis of Critical Illness WHR7010 Module
Pathophysiological Basis of Critical Illness WHR7710 Module
Patient Care and Procedural Skills WHR7752 Module
Perioperative Care of Surgical Specialities WHR7095 Module
Perioperative Care of Surgical Specialities WHR7795 Module
Perioperative Medicine in Theory and Practice WHR7091 Module
Perioperative Medicine in Theory and Practice WHR7791 Module
Pharmaceutical and Healthcare Marketing WHRM910 Module
Pharmaceutical and Healthcare Marketing (DL) WHRM997 Module
Pharmacogenomics and Stratified Healthcare WHR7305 Module
Pharmacogenomics and Stratified Healthcare WHR7205 Module
Post-operative Care WHR7093 Module
Post-operative Care WHR7793 Module
Practical Aspects of Clinical Research and Early Drug Development WHRM904 Module
Practical Aspects of Clinical Research and Early Drug Development (DL) WHRM993 Module
Principles of Injury Management in Dance and Football WHR7053 Module
Professional and Research Skills WHR7300 Module
Professional and Research Skills WHRM935 Module
Reproductive, Pregnancy and Paediatric Endocrinology WHR7105 Module
Reproductive, Pregnancy and Paediatric Endocrinology WHR7155 Module
Reproductive, Pregnancy and Paediatric Endocrinology WHR7004 Module
Research and Audit Methodology WHR7014 Module
Research and Audit Methodology WHR7714 Module
Research Methods WHR7026 Module
Research Methods in Sports and Exercise Medicine WHR6023 Module
Special Patient Groups WHR7015 Module
Sports Injury and Podiatric Assessment WHR7056 Module
Sports Injury Assessment WHR7055 Module
Supportive Care for Failing Organ Function WHR7011 Module
Supportive Care for Failing Organ Function WHR7711 Module
The Multidisciplinary Team in Critical Care WHR7719 Module
The Pre-Operative Journey WHR7792 Module
The Pre-Operative Journey WHR7092 Module
Thyroid WHR7103 Module
Thyroid WHR7153 Module
Thyroid, Parathyroids and Bone WHR7003 Module
Toxicology: from Molecules to Man WHRM902 Module
Toxicology: from Molecules to Man (DL) WHRM991 Module

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