Browse Hierarchy SOLM265: Media Regulation
The content of the proposed module will cover the content of both current modules SOLM217 and SOLM218. This includes: - Ownership & Control of the Media - Press Regulation - EU Broadcasting Law & the shift to regulation of online, streaming content - UK Broadcasting Law & the shift to regulation of online, streaming content - Advertising Regulation - Article 10, Freedom of Speech and the reasonable limits thereon with a view to protecting the Article 6 right to a fair trial, in the context of media reporting the courts - Contempt of Court and the media - filming and livestreaming the courts, contempt by publication - Reporting restrictions and the media - including identification of victims of serious crimes, statutory restrictions on reporting proceedings involving children and vulnerable adults, discretionary judicial orders, the media's right to representation and to appeal orders. - Protection of journalists sources & materials, including digital resources and communications, from undue state / police interference.
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