Browse Hierarchy SNU105: Academic and Clinical Skills 1
This module is designed to introduce students to the basic skills required to be a successful student in UK higher education and begin to develop basic clinical skills. Students will undertake a structured process of reflection of their own learning and performance. Students will be provided with a range of approaches to be able to readily and easily access and evaluate information provided from different scientific JP modules and how these relate to their future clinical practice. Students will be supported in improving their ability to recognise lecture structures and in the development of their scientific/academic writing.
Lists linked to Academic and Clinical Skills 1
Title Sort by title | Year | Last updated Sort by last updated |
Academic Skills 1 - 2023/24 Academic Year | 2024-2025 Academic Year | 13/06/2024 12:36:23 |
Nanchang Joint Programme Clinical Skills | 2024-2025 Academic Year | 03/03/2025 16:02:10 |