Browse Hierarchy QHM6704: Algorithmic Graph Theory
Analysis of Algorithms. Determinism, Termination, running time. Informal definition of the classes P, NP, Co-NP and the notion of NP-completeness. Examples such as rank of a matrix, greatest common divisors, prime testing, knapsack problem. Graphs and Digraphs. Paths, cycles, trees, connectedness. Algorithms to find the connected components of a graph and the strongly connected components of a digraph. Algorithms to construct breadth first search and depth first search spanning trees of a connected graph. Algorithms of Prim and Kruskal to find a minimum weight spanning tree in a connected graph. Greedy Algorithms. Shortest and Longest paths. Dijkstra's algorithm to find a shortest path spanning tree in a graph or digraph. MoravÚk's algorithm to find a longest path spanning tree in an acyclic directed network. Critical Path Analysis.
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