The module covers fundamental substantive aspects of patent law in the UK and under the European Patent Convention, including conditions for protection and registration, infringement and defences. It will provide students with the foundations of UK patent law so as to equip them for the basics of patent practice in the UK. In addition, students will consider patent law and corporate strategy as well as practical and professional aspects, including drafting, claim interpretation, patent prosecution, ethics and corporate governance. Students will also gain a detailed and practical understanding of related areas of protection in the patent industries, including confidential information and trade secrets. The module also addresses aspects of specific sectors, including biotechnology, chemical industries and software industries. On successful completion of this module, you will be eligible to sit the CIPA/ITMA exemption papers towards your qualification as UK patent and trade mark attorneys. List of topics: Introduction to Patent Law (history and economics) Novelty and inventive step (EPO and UK) Exclusions to patentability (EPO and UK: medical methods, ordre public, morality, purpose-based protection, non-inventions) Internal requirements (EPO and UK: sufficiency, added matter, clarity, conciseness and support) Scope of protection and infringement (construction, infringing acts, exceptions and third party rights) Transactions in patents (nature of patent property, assignment, licensing and registration) Crown use, non-voluntary licensing, threats (Crown use, licences of right, compulsory licences, threats) Inventors and employees (entitlement, employee/employer disputes and compensation)

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