How has the meaning of `democracy¿ changed over the centuries? Where did the language of rights come from? How have slavery and empire been justified - and criticised? Beginning with some of the earliest examples of political theorising in the ancient world, and ending in the twentieth century, this module introduces students to some of the most important thinkers and debates in the history of political thought. Individual thinkers and major texts will be discussed each week, together with major debates and issues. Students will look at arguments and controversies as they unfolded in different historical circumstances, becoming familiar with the concepts, problems, and debates that have shaped political thought. They will acquire a solid grounding in the development of, and differences among, the various philosophical and ideological traditions that have shaped modern politics.

Lists linked to History of Political Thought

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HST5614: History of Political Thought 2024-2025 Academic Year 13/06/2024 11:37:29