Browse Hierarchy GEG7314: Flood Risk Management and Modelling
The module is divided into two linked elements. The first explores the current status of flood risk and associated legislation in the UK and Europe. Flood generation mechanisms are examined and novel management options for reducing flood risk (including strategic rural land management and Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems) are critically reviewed. Flood protection in London is explored through a field trip to the Thames Barrier and potential impacts of predicted changes in climate and socio-economic conditions on UK flood risk are reviewed. The second component of the module is focussed on flood risk modelling. A combination of lecture and practical sessions are used to introduce students to design discharge estimation methods, flood frequency analysis and 1D inundation modelling using industry standard software.
Lists linked to Flood Risk Management and Modelling
Title Sort by title | Year | Last updated Sort by last updated |
GEG6314/GEG7314 Flood Risk Management and Modelling | 2024-2025 Academic Year | 04/02/2025 21:11:13 |