Browse Hierarchy ESH102: Reading, Theory and Interpretation: Approaches to the Study of English Literature
'Reading, Theory and Interpretation' is a foundational module that will introduce you to some of the central problems involved in the interpretation of literature. At the same time, the module will provide you with an introduction to some of the most influential and challenging theories of interpretation itself. Throughout the history of literature, there have arisen various competing interpretations of literary texts and, with that, the need to adjudicate between rival interpretations from interdisciplinary backgrounds. 'Theory' has therefore emerged as a means of justifying particular interpretations over and against others. This module will demonstrate the connections between different theoretical perspectives within English Literature, and aims to help you to understand why these opposing "readings", theoretical perspectives, and interpretations occur, and how to analyse some of the more ambitious and compelling theories through which these readings have been generated.
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Title Sort by title | Year | Last updated Sort by last updated |
ESH102 - RTI | 2024-2025 Academic Year | 22/01/2025 16:57:47 |