Browse Hierarchy ECOM120: Strategy, Leadership and Management of Investment Banking Firms
The module will familiarise students with the fundamentals of strategic analysis including competitor and client analysis and effective leadership in knowledgeintensive firms. Key areas of focus will be the difference between leading and managing initiatives/projects, dealing with resistance and different stakeholder interests, transactional leadership in teams and projects, building commitment for change, inspiring peers and subordinates, challenging others' assumptions and views, effective communication within teams/project groups and with other teams/projects, executives and stakeholders, building and nurturing relationships and social networks, presenting and negotiating with clients.
Lists linked to Strategy, Leadership and Management of Investment Banking Firms
Title Sort by title | Year | Last updated Sort by last updated |
ECOM120 - Strategy, Leadership and Management of Investment Banking Firms | 2024-2025 Academic Year | 18/06/2021 18:14:39 |