Browse Hierarchy EBU6501: Middleware
Middleware is the glue that holds heterogeneous and distributed systems together and is central to the assured functionality, the security, the resilience and cooperation between entities in the Internet of Things. This module builds on previous modules, viz. Networks and Protocols for understanding the functionality and structure of the communications substrate, Databases as a standard component in almost all software systems large and small, RFID and sensor networks for low energy middleware constraints and protocols, and Java programming. Key middleware functions are introduced, including the development of web based applications, web servers, web services, Web 2, message oriented middleware, the Open Services Gateway Initiative (OSGi) architecture and Cloud based messaging services. This is underpinned by key networking programming concepts that include socket programming, remote procedure call, mechanisms to support peer to peer computing, message queuing systems such JMS. Different modes of interaction, e.g. via push and pull interactions, and the management through middleware in the fixed network and on mobile devices will also be investigated. In the mobile and home appliances environment ,programming of middleware solutions will also be introduced, e.g. programming on Android devices for dishwashers, and for mobile phone interaction, e.g. turning lights on and off with a phone. Core security concepts are introduced and the mechanisms to support security and to reduce vulnerabilities in middleware are described. Common attacks and their mitigation are described. An important aspect of the course is implementation. Students will develop software for mobile and other devices in the Internet of Things. At the end of this module the student will not only be aware of the important middleware support that is available, but be able to understand how the middleware works, and be able to implement the concepts and services that they provide.
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