Browse Hierarchy CCLP607: Introduction to Competition Law
The module will provide an introduction to competition law. The module will address the essentials of Article 101 TFEU (undertaking, agreement etc.), discuss various types of anticompetitive agreements, as well as the modern approach to the application of Article 101(3) TFEU in defending anticompetitive agreements. Then the module will look at Article 102 TFEU. The module will analyse the essential features of Article 102 TFEU i.e. the concept of dominance and the concept of abuse. Then the module will present some of the abuses (e.g. tying/bundling, exclusive dealing, price discrimination, refusal to supply). Finally, the module will analyse the assessment of mergers and acquisitions, focusing on substantive analysis. The content of the module is relevant for the competition enforcement by the European Commission, but also by National Competition Authorities of the EU Member States. The module will adopt a very practical perspective (case studies, quizzes) and will aim to equip students with the tools they need to assess/address infringements of national and EU competition law. Indicative topics include: ARTICLE 101: Agreements, concerted practices and decisions of associations of undertakings; Market Definition; Object or Effect; Article 101(3) Exemption; Sanctions, Settlements and Commitments. ARTICLE 102: Definition of Dominance; Concept of collective dominance; Concept of abuse; Abuses. MERGERS : Horizontal Mergers & Non-Horizontal Mergers; Remedies.
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