Browse Hierarchy CCDM040: Online Trademarks
This module focuses trademark infringement on the internet and in particular the conflict between trademarks and domain names and the use of trademarks in the metatags of websites and the use of trademarks in keyword advertising (search engines, online marketplaces). This involves an overview of trademark law from a comparative perspective (English, EU, French, German and US Federal trademark law). The module assesses the function and role of trademarks and compares this to the use on the internet. It evaluates the different types of consumer confusion on the internet and their legal assessment. It examines the role of internet service providers such as search engines, marketplaces, advertisers and how they relate to the trademark use. The module assesses primary and secondary liability in the trademark context and the various immunities granted to internet intermediaries. The module examines the relevant jurisprudence before the English, French, German, US Courts and the Court of Justice of the European Union.
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