Browse Hierarchy BUSM230: Global Environmental Change: Economics and Policy
The module introduces students to the phenomenon of environmental degradation, and its extreme example, climate change, through the lenses of applied economics and data analysis. First, students will receive good foundations on the science behind the phenomenon of environmental (and climate) change. Second, students will be equipped with strong theoretical and empirical tools and will develop a comprehensive view on the determinants and consequences of global environmental change. The emphasis of the module will be on the linkages between the environment, the economy and society, and the evaluation of the main environmental and climate policy available to policy-makers (eg emission trading schemes, carbon price, green taxes, renewable energy subsidies). The module will focus on environmental change in both developed and developing countries and will study prominent and complex phenomena such as climate induced migration, conflict, poverty and inequality. Students will learn how to empirically assess environmental policy and evaluate its effects on a broad range of economic, environmental and social outcomes, using the latest causal inference methods.
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